What Is the Difference Between Reclaiming and Recycling Refrigerants? Why Can One Be Re-Sold and the Other Just Re-Used?
Reclaiming and Recycling refrigerant are two different processes that are essential for reducing environmental impact. Recycling refrigerant involves removing it from the system and purifying it for reuse, whereas reclaiming refrigerant refers to a more thorough process that involves removing impurities and ensuring the refrigerant meets specific quality standards set by the EPA. Recycled refrigerant can only be used on equipment owned by the same owner from which the refrigerant was originally recovered because it does not meet all the requirements of reclamation. Reclaimed refrigerant is reprocessed to at least the purity level required in the AHRI standards for a virgin refrigerant.
The Shark is the first unit to gain AHRI certification for cleaning dirty R134a back to ARI 700 standard reclaimed gas in a single pass. Utilizing a rugged open drive compressor, easily serviceable desiccant tubes and an oversized condensing fan, The Shark quickly removes, oil, acids, moisture and hard particulates from even the dirtiest of gases. Used in conjunction with RefTec's MiniPurge System, the gas produced meets AHRl's standards for non condensables as well.
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