Recovery on R-134a Screw Chillers and R-32 Heat Pumps Best Equipment for Application



Please see the drawing of the proposed recovery system. I will not provide the piping to the chillers (this will be by HVAC contractor). We will only provide the recovery and tank.

There will be 3 x R134a screw chillers and 4 x R32 heat pumps.

The biggest refrigerant charge will be the screw which has a mass of – 229kG (Total) there are 2 circuits. We will need to capture this mass.

Please can you give me your thoughts?


On the R-134a Chillers, are you wanting a system to recover (1) at a time or all (3)?

Also, to confirm, you are wanting to recover the R-32 at times as well. 


Thanks for the reply. We want one system to recover just one of the largest chillers charges. It will be piped to all 7 chillers. 


What about the R-32 heat Pumps, Will you need to recover them?


Can we not use the same recovery unit?


Before we can respond, advise how much refrigerant is in each R-32 heat pump? 




Confirming - So the Recovery unit will connect to a manifold system that is piped to all 7 chillers? 

Apologies for all questions, I just want to quote you best set up for what you have and want to do.


Yes. We will have shutoff valves to each chiller. And the chillers are mounted on load cells. 


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